Thursday, December 16, 2010

I am Considered a Hipster

If you know me, then you know that you don't know any of my music/ T.V./ Movies. Did that make sense? I believe not. Well, the definition of hipster is...

Urban Dictionary:

Aged indie kids, Hipsters still maintain the air of snobbery, still shop atsalvation army, and still have a completely astonishing array of knowledge when it comes to obscure musicpop-culture non-sequiturs, and political sneers. Absolutely a blast to be friends with, hell to be enemies of, hipsters are the most bi-polar of all thestereotypes when it comes to how they treat you. Can be recognized by books like "The Clockwork Orange", "Everything is Illuminated", orobscure philosophy books, by authors akin to Dostoevsky.
"Dude, remember sarah?"
"yeah, that little indie kid, why?"
"i saw her in a coffee shop they other day, reading The Brothers. She now goes by Anthurium..."
"Oh, our little indie kid has transformed into a hipster butterfly!"

Is this not true (if you know me)?
My short definition is someone who listens to music other people don't listen to and watch movies other people wouldn't watch and wear clothes other people wouldn't wear. Clothes don't count because we have a dress code at our school.
 But music and movies? Number one thing saying I'm a hipster. Favorite channel is IFC (Independent Film Channel). They show WKUK (Whitest Kids You Know), Freaks and Geeks (Linda Cardellini!), Undeclared (Jason Segal, Seth Rogan!), and a million great movies! Look the people up, they are gorgeous...

Something I have been addicted to for my whole life (since I was 5) has just jumped into my life after a short season break -- DOCTOR WHO!!! If you have not watched this, I must take you out of my life... just kidding. But seriously, watch one episode and you will fall in love with Matt Smith/ David Tennant/ Billie Piper/ Karen Gillian/ Arthur Darville. I love all of them. Even the girls.

Love that show...

Well, anyways... What is your worst subject? Mine is Social Studies. I thought it was science, but then I 
got a 92 on the final, so i was good, but then I got a 72 on Social Studies, which means it will lower my 
grade to an 89 or 88. At least it will raise my science grade to a 90 or 91. And I have to write a song by
tomorrow. Wow, this has been a tough week. And tomorrow I have two assignments due, even though 
it's a half day, and the last day before our break. Grr and one assignment is Social Studies.

How's a good way to end this? I'm not sure... how about a spoof of Your Beautiful? Okay, let's do that!

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