Saturday, September 11, 2010


Today was a good 9/11. Nothing bad really happened. I found out a couple things, though. I found out a famous actor, Mathew Gray Gubler, was just within a mile of the incident when it happened 9 years ago. I also found out that my grandfather passed on the 12 right after 9/11, 9 years ago. Tomorrow will be the anniversary of his death 9 years ago. Yes it is sad, but some of my friends have sadder stories. But I don't want to be in a sad mood today. So let's start off with happy things, or casual 7th grade things, you know.

Well, on Thursday, in science, my phone fell out of my pocket. I was in front of the teacher, just to make it worse. And even more worse, I don't turn it off, because if I do, it breaks, so I keep it on silent. Luckily, She didn't see, and I slipped it into my pocket. But the rest of the day, I was worried it would fall out.

Right now, me and my friend are having a contest of who knows the hottest celebrities. Right now, I think I'm winning, but she thinks she is, so it might be a tie. Okay, you probably don't want to know about what two teenage girls talk about in their Gmail chats. And I bet I'm right. So I won't tell you. Unless you really want to know. And if you do, I will edit it into this. I guess... Oh well.

Have you noticed all Irish men that are famous singers have an amazingly beautiful voice? Well, it's true. Just wanted to keep you up in Irish singing news.

What else can I talk about...

Hmm, I am in the mood for a contest. So, whoever comments with... oh, a good contest idea, I will use it in the next post as a contest! Yea!

I'm very happy, because of no Athletics for two days. But I have to go running tomorrow. It's no fair, I can't run. I was not born with the ability to run, and I am dead serious. I run worse then my friend with asthma. ASTHMA! I don't know why I came out with such a birth defect. It sure doesn't help when Coach Clayton is lecturing to you, we are the athletic girls, we try our hardest, we push to the fullest, we are better then the rest of them, well maybe not the last part, she's not mean. She's really nice, she's being strict to train us, which I get, I don't blame her. I am just not trainable for running! Anyone with me? Huh?

Hm, what else is going on in my life that I can share with you, all though you probably don't want to know. And if you don't want to know, why are you reading this in the first place? Gosh, get a life.

OH! I'm trying out for the school musical. But I really hope I don't get it. My friend tricked me into trying out for one of the main characters, and I have major stage fright. But I think I'm going to get the part, because the choir teacher likes me. Now, I know what you're thinking (which you probably aren't). If she likes me, why is she giving me a part I don't want? I don't know.
You might want to know what the play is. Well, we chose Annie. Actually, 'we' didn't choose it, I wanted Suessicall, and so did half the choir, but Mrs. Barksedale chose Annie. So I watched the play today to see who I tried out for. Because I tried out for her not knowing anything about her. Apparently she is an evil Orphan mother who has a very cute brother that looks like Robert Downy Jr. kind of... named Miss Hannigan. Arg, Avery, you trick me into trying out knowing I would have to be in the play because no one wants to be the evil one!!!

Okay I think I am about done here. Let's end with something funny.
Hehe funny.


  1. Hey, If you wanted to put something funny yet creepy for your next post, look up cows cows cows on youtube. it's so funny but so creepy. I hope that you get the part for the play, because you don't want to. Hahaha, no, but seriously i think you should get the part.

  2. Ok, thanks Ella but cows cows cows? I'll look into it... Any good contest ideas?
