Saturday, September 4, 2010

Those Darn Apple Snails

Yesterday (which is not yesterday any more because I have not finished this blog in a while...) was cool. I brought out my murder skills and my stalker with in me. Let's start with the stalker part.

Well, if you are wondering what kids do now-a-days when they like someone, it's stalk them. Well, that's what all my friends do, at least. And today's story is about a love stalking story. It starts out with one of my friends liking this guy, and stalking him, but this happened in 6th grade, and now it's 7th grade, and she doesn't like him any more (for all we know) so we are trying to trick him into thinking that she was payed to stalk him for a gay guy who had a crush on him. Do you understand? Well, let me explain. I made a gay guy account on Gmail, called Jason Jones. Apparently, from our stories we told people at our school, he lives in a mansion, he is home-schooled, but he goes to a public school, he met my friend on Gmail AND Band Camp, he has two mommys and two daddys, his daddys live in Florida, and he lives with his mommys in Texas, no one knows how he knows Adam Sasick (the kid we are trying to trick) and he knows way too much about Westbrook and the people in that school to be home schooled. So the night before last, I was chatting with Adam's best friend, Justin, as Jason, then he invited this kid that goes to Creek, and so I was flirting with him as Jason, it was pretty funny, but I figured out he is only 3 and a half feet tall! Isn't that adorable!?!? That's the size of my overly-tall 3 year old brother. Sorry I thought that was really cool, I love shorties, I think they are cool.

Well, I just figured out he's actually five feet tall. Bummer. Oh well.

In choir, we have to memorize songs for regionals, so the first song is "Je Le Vous Dirai", which is French for "I will tell you now" it's a French song in all French about a break-up, I believe. Or some girl just really hates this un-handsome guy. I don't know. And for the school play, I really want to do Seussical, even though I've never seen that play ever before, but I'm voting for that one because I'm in love with Dr. Suess. You guys want to know my favorite French song? I know you do. So it's "A la claire fontaine" and now I have an idea for a contest! Whoever answers what "a la claire fontaine" means in English, you win the contest! And your prize is... the joy of winning.
Rules: No looking up on any translators, you must have a friend/sibling in French, or just guess. it's pretty obvious if you look at it. And pronounce it.

NOW FOR THE MURDER PART! The best part of the post!

Well... My friends and I were hanging out under the big bridge, ya know, the street bridge, where all the druggies and drunk teens go, but luckily no one was there so we didn't run into those crazy people, all though we did find where they hid their drugs, but we were too scared to touch them, gross. Any ways, We were walking in the dirty water with a lot of litter, naughty littering drunks, and we found apple snails. Apple snails, if you didn't know, are the snail murderers. They originated in China, where there are a lot of animals that could kill them so the apple snails don't eat everything, but somehow they got to America, where there aren't enough animals to kill them, so the apple snails eat all the water animals, fish, tadpoles, frogs, everything. In one of my friends classes, she learned that, and they went down to the bayou, and found apple snails, and put them in plastic bags to suffocate them, But instead, we smashed them with rocks. Its quicker and easier for them, all though it might hurt a lot, it doesn't hurt for a long time, because they usually die immediately. Wasn't that a nice story?

I guess that's it, so, uh, yes, nice telling you my story, come back later for another if I have a good one.


  1. You have good content, and you write well, just use shorter sentences. Sometimes it seems like you say a whole paragraph in one breath.

  2. I know, but I just have a lot to say, and I have to cram it into one sentence if it has to do with the same thing. Bad habit. But thanks, I love to write. It's really fun and feels good to express your feelings into words.

  3. It was good, very good. Just work on that and it could be better. I hope I didn't make you feel sad, I was trying to help you. Sorry if I made you sad.

  4. No, I feel great that you think it's good, I'm not sad at all, don't worry, but yes I do that when I talk normally too, I've already been working on it! YEA! Haha.
