Monday, September 20, 2010


Well, 'The Blog of Pankow' listed questions that I find interesting. So I shall answer them.

1) What is one thing you hate about yourself? Phisically, OR other.

Uhm... hate? My sensitivity. I really dislike it. I cry at everything. I rate movies  by 'ones I didn't cry at' instead of 'ones I did cry at'. And, also, my bipolarness. Yes, I made that word. But yeah, I am very bipolar. I change personalities in a snap. *some one snaps* ugh, I bet no one even reads this. Why do I even do this? It's a time waster.

2) What is your favorite animal? Why? Is it a cow? Mine is.

Oooh, favorite animal... Tis an Orca Whale. Sorry, Pankow, it's not a cow. But cows are pretty beast. I mean, you gotta say.

3) Copying one of Wheezy's questions to Charlieissocoollike, What is that smell?

I am confusion? See, I am so lost, I made a horribly done question.. statement... thing. But, that smell, is  Parmesan Chicken. For dinner. That I really want right now.

4) What's the weirdest thing you've done in public?

Hehe, I got this one. Tickled Peter Bowling's tummy. We were by my locker for lunch, me, Peter, and Ranya, and I just randomly tickled his belly. I'm not sure why, but I guess it's because I do it to my brothers and sisters, and I count Peter as a brother, so... I don't know, I was weird that day.

5) What is a question you REALLY wish you knew the answer to?

Hmm... Why does Cartoon Network have the creepiest shows known to man, creepier than Monsters inside of me?

6) What would you do if twelve men came in your house uninvited and sat on your couch, staring at the wall and not saying a word?

I would say, " Are you ok? You want some refreshments? Is there something in the wall? Are you dead? Why aren't you answering any of my questions? Am I talking to fast? Aaarrreee yoouuu oook? Do you speak a different language? Êtes-vous d'accord? Can't speak French? Get out of my house."

"What da hek ya'll doin in mah home?!?! Ima call da popo on yo butts, if ya'll don leev dis hause!"
For your information, I don't speak like that.

Ok, now for a good bye song.

So long, Fare well, Auf Wiedersehen to you! (dododododo,dodododo)
I now, have to, do homework! So stop reading!
Seriously, why haven't you stopped?


  1. I snapped, and you didn't change personalities. Maybe you did and you just didn't mention it. I'm sorry then. I will never snap again.

  2. lol neena. some funny crap, you post on here

  3. Thanks anonymous! I totally know who you are and stuff... And yes I'm very good at keeping my bipolarness a secret. Especialy online! That sounds stalkerish...

  4. Wait, since when is my name love??? Oh I get it, I'm on the wrong account!!! Woops... Well this is Neena, just sayin'.
