Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ello, Loves!

So, there was a dance last night, and I went with my friends. It was a Masquerade Ball, but half the people didn't have a mask on and were dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, including me. Everyone (only girls really) who went with someone dressed up nice, though. Guys don't care about it, though. At the dance, I saw all the happy couples, and Cole and Sierra were so cute when they were dancing, I told them I wanted to marry them, so they are now on my list of husbands! (-------->)

I just had a Happy Meal from McDonalds and then there was a code, so i got onto and i made an account and now I'm just playing all their really easy games, and I'm eating ice cream and listening to Maggie and the Ferocious Beast (In Nowhereland!) that actually sounds like a real place... Anyways, I feel likes such a kid again! Getting away from the "Degrassi Style Life" (as my older sister would say it, actually she says it's worse) of my middle school. Yeah, I'm involved in a big rut that I shouldn't be in actually. If you are into my/ other people's love life problems, read until the end of this paragraph. If not, just skip it. But I gotta tell ya, it's pretty interesting.
Well there is this guy and this girl, let's call them D and R, and they were dating from the middle of 6th grade until the beginning of 7th grade. R dumped D because he didn't show her that he loved her. His was heart broken, and he still loved her a lot. So then, the dance (Friday night) came up, and R didn't know who to take. There was this other guy, M, who really loved R, so she took him to give him a chance, then she started liking him kind of, but she started liking D again. D, before this time, was stuck in between two girls, the one he loved a lot (R) and a new one that he kind of liked, A. A is in love with D, but D has decided to love R and only R. But, since R was going with M, D decided to go with A. A was so happy, she told everyone in the whole school! Same with M! And after the dance, A and M were so very happy that they got to go with their loves. I (Neena) had to convince D to give A the time of her life, since she would be heart broken about him loving only R. R is still not sure who she likes, after the gmail chat I just had with her, she thinks she likes M, but I was too scared to ask her about D. I wouldn't know what to do. So A loves D, but D loves R, but so does M, but R loves M and D, but E (another person) loves M!!! Do you see what I have to put up with? Being a love guru is a tough job! All though one of these people are in the WIS Love Guru group, they still need advice. Now that we are through with that... Did any of you understand that? If so, I will give you 100 pennies worth of gum! Maybe... but ya never know....

What else can I tell you? Oh, well I got the Glee mini-course! And... yes. I am playing many extras in the school musical, Annie, showing November 12th, don't miss it! I can't, I have to be in it... I have a four word line in a song!

Well, now I'm just going to give you a list of pretty songs you should listen to.
-- Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World cover -- Black Sheep (Metric)
-- cover by Local Natives -- Cecilia (Simon and Garfunkel)

I think that's it. Bleh I'm sick and can't sing. Now I'm sad. Oh well, I listen to this awesome music. Bye. *Sigh* Boring post.


  1. omg, that was confuzzling...... we have a bunch of fail guys in 7th grade, ( not all of them, just 80% of them)i wish they weren't so insecure, sigh, ur life would me much easier. have i mentioned how much i hate adolescence!!! sigh
    i havet see u in ages!! miss u

  2. You kiddin? I saw you today in athletics!!! FREE DAY TOMORROW! Yes!!!!!
