Saturday, March 5, 2011

22. WOW. That's a lot.

Merph is the nick name of one of my friends (Meredith) and my "I'm soooo bored" catch phrase. Wouldn't it be cool if you could actually catch a phrase? T'would be awesome! Well that was very random...
This is what goes on in my head the one second I get off topic.

Well yesterday we had TAKS, a writing TAKS and the prompt was: Write about a time you went through a challenge. So I wrote about not being able to keep a secret, but over powering my self to keep it and save my friendship with 'Amanda'. That was my first time ever making up a story for TAKS. It is 4 worthy, though I only filled up 1 and a half pages. Grr my evil hand cramps. The questions were super easy... I'm pretty sure I got a 100 on that part. Oh well, last writing TAKS I'll ever see! Next is Writing STARS or what ever in 10th grade!
And we just did two benchmarks: math and reading. Reading I think I got close to a hundred, and math I missed 4! How could I do this? I'm in 8th math taking a 7th benchmark! Rawrg. (this is my new word.)

I'm debating on what my facebook language should be: Pirate or Leet Speak?
Pirate: "What be troublin' ye?" where you put your status (Recent Tales)
Leat Speak: "wh47 0ccup!35 j00r 7h!nk!ngz?" where you put your status (57@7u5)
So choose one!

So guess what? If you didn't know, my school has dress code, solid polos and khakis, no logos, stuff like that. But, because over 25% commended benchmarks (I was not one, as I afore mentioned, I missed 4 on the math benchmark, and I'm a level ahead in math! Grawrg...) we get free dress! I want this dress very badly! I would love to wear it one of the days, it's so cute. But it is $40...I have $42 (in cash...I have a checking account)! Well... my birthday is in two weeks, so I'll just ask for that. Too expensive? My last gifts were a piano and contacts... I'll ask my sister... to pay half? Okay! that's a deal! Sadly, not in time for free dress week. Oh well, I want the dress anyways. For the whole week it's probably going to be jeans and random shirts I never wear (because of dress code). So it will be cool! And on Friday, we are having a "Plugged In" day, and we will be able to listen to our iPods all day! So I need new headphones... soon... now...

This weekend is busy!
Friday -- Track in the morning // Piano Lessons // Guys and Dolls (Lexi and Tori did amazing!)
Saturday -- Spring Fling // Birthday Party
Sunday -- Homework // hopefully some shopping!

See? Friday is over with, Saturday is yet to come... I'm pretty excited. Guys and Dolls was great, though, Alexis -- YOU are the most amazing singer in the world! And you are gorgeous! And I love you! You are also in my top favorite people!!! (Yes, I do realize she doesn't read my blog, and yes, I do realize she ever won't see what I just said, but I will say it anyways!)
Now I am just listening to Vampire Weekend while writing this... and thinking about stuff.
Is your bed made? Is your sweater on? Do you want to? Like you know I do... like you know I do-o-o-o-o!
Good song.

How should I portray the information in my head to the computer now? How about how all of my teachers love me? Okay, I'll tell you that then!
Minicourse -- Mrs. Baxter -- She loves me because we can relate, I'm a good student, and I'm taking journalism next year!
Athletics -- Coach Allen -- She loves me because I'm the manager, and I'm very self-sufficient, I am organized and prepared, and she says more mature as a 12th grader, let alone a 12 year old. She even offered me access to her food in the coaches fridge (which I of course will take none of... I'm not like that)!
Choir -- Mrs. Barksdale -- I am a good singer, I know how to sight read, I can reach very low notes, and I am a leader in the altos. The only thing she doesn't like is how I have bad dilation... I know, I'm working on it...
Science -- Mrs. Cain -- One of my cutest teachers! She doesn't exactly love me, but she is really nice and likes me since I got 4th in science fair, I'm a good student, and you know, the yoozh (usual). But I have a feeling she has one of those 'teacher crushes' (where you like one of your students... in a weird way... if I'm a teacher I would have those) on the same boy I like... so it's weird. She is only 26 thought, but married!
Math -- Mrs. Williams -- I am on of the quietest people in our class so she loves me, plus I'm okay at math. That's why Mrs. Toalson loves me too.
Social Studies -- Mrs. Graham -- Ahh, Mrs. Graham, another cute teacher! She's older, but adorable! Today, someone didn't have a name on their paper, so she sang in a teasing Texan accent voice "Someone's gettin a zero!" and I just smiled and cracked up. She loves me because I go out of my way to do extra credit (for fun, like I just recently made an assignment for the majority of girls in my grade! I'll post more info. laterz!) So she likes me a lot, even though I suck at Texas History.
ELA -- Mrs. Plato -- Okay, where should I start? This teacher is IN LOVE with me, Avery, Sophie, and all those people. She has a great sense in music, and shows too (Glee, of course!) I am a good student, but horrible at vocabulary. She is funny and great, but sometimes scary, as well as Mrs. Graham.

SO today, after 6th period, Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Plato were talking to eachother, and I walk up, and Mrs. Plato points out, "See Neena, there are students like you that make me decide to come to school in the morning!" and I, not surprised, as she compliments me all the time, smile and say, "Thanks! You two are the best teachers, I wake up just to see you too!" Which is partially true. I truly do love these teachers. Don't get me wrong. So then Mrs. Plato and Mrs. Graham just throw back and forth comments on how I'm such a great student -- "She's so precious!" "Yeah, she really is! She is a great student, and works out of her way to do things!" "Yes, Neena is a great student!" and I'm standing there, smiling uncontrollably with "Thanks!" "Aww, thank you!" "You guys are soo nice!" spilling out of my mouth like water out of a broken dam. Oh how Mrs. Plato would be so proud of my description. Anyways, after they have finished, I reply, "You guys are literally my two best teachers, I mean, Mrs. Graham! You are so adorable! And Mrs. Plato, you have the best sense in music!" And Mrs. Graham replies "Aww thank you! That's what everyone says, and when I try to be mean, they just call me cute and ignore me!" Which isn't true, I get scared when she is angry. Very scared. And then I say I have to catch my bus, then leave with a smile and "Have a good weekend!" Which I am so far! Let's see, number of quotation marks in the past paragraph: 22. WOW. That's a lot.

That paragraph was long. You like how I got my title? I do. I don't know. Titles will now be surprises. They could be related, unrelated, past titles, random phrases, random phrases from the blog, you never know. That's very dis-organized. Sigh...

Since it is 1:30 a.m. and I'm tired, I will sleep now. Time for a video that almost murdered me in laughter in ELA today:

Best. Commercial. Ever.
Now I'm debating on what my title should be... Meh I'll keep it as it is now.
I want to go to Denny's and order a Nannerpuss. Oh no, here comes the uncontrollable laughter...


  1. If it were me, I would choose pirate, only because it takes me a second to read anything in L33t.

  2. I see, thank you for the opinion!
