Thursday, February 24, 2011


I kind of just dropped the whole 30 day challenge. I need to be more persistent. Any ways, with all the news from the days I've missed, I can actually make a okay blog!

Number one of priorities: MY SISTER SURVIVED A MAJOR CAR WRECK!!! It was on Thursday, and she lost control on the Freeway when an ambulance was passing by her. How ironic. She's fine though, just a couple scrapes and a bad memory, plus all the attention on Facebook! But she is all good. If I lost her, I would've lost my life. At least she was alone in the road and car.

Next! Well... when was the last time I blogged? I have no idea... well... how about talent show news?
For the talent show this year, at my intermediate school, my two best guy friends (Daniel D. and Sebastian!) and maybe Ranya and I will be singing Where is the Love? by Black Eyed Peas!

Danny and Sebs (yes, their weird nicknames) are going to be rapping, and Danny and I will be singing the chorus, and if Ranya joins, she will too. I guess.
Though I'm not a fan of rap or popular music, the chorus is pretty, so I agreed. And I like to sing, and I've gotten better with singing in front of people! Any ideas of something we should do while singing? We can't just stand there, that would be boring!
And for the Choir Pop Show, Emily L. Lilly H. Alexis M. and I are singing Hallelujah, you know? From Shrek!
My voice can't go that low though, and I have the lowest voice of all the girls in choir, how attractive. I sound like Cher. We are pretty good, but we just need to change the key. And add some rockin' harmonizing.

OH MY LORD. I have found my YouTube Idol. she has all the sheet music to my favorite Explosions in the Sky songs. Explosions in the Sky is like instrumental rock. She can play them beautifully. Can I please marry her? She saved my life. I am going to learn So Long Lonesome, and maybe my dad can take a video of me doing it for my next piano concert, and I'll post it up here, sounds good? Now I'm really happy.

So in school, we are doing course selection for 8th grade. I'm going to be in algebra, and journalism, so should I just add another high school course and take 21st Century Living? And if I don't take that, what do I take? Choir? Not choir, I don't like choir. It's pointless. And what should I be when I grow up? I do not know. Sigh. Should I just be a house mom? Or a teacher? Or a therapist? I was thinking child therapist or psychiatrist, but then I would only be with kids that needed special help. So I don't know. Too late, I'm taking 1st choice Journalism, 2nd Biology, 3rd Choir, and 4th 21st Century Living, turned it in this morning!

So I am now part of the track team! Except I'm the part that does nothing physical -- track manager. I wasn't technically cleared for track, which means I can't run. So I'm stuck with office work, organizing papers, putting stuff into the computer, timing people's speed, and reminding everyone of practices. Which I don't mind, because I don't have to run! Except now, in athletics, I'm not doing anything either. So I have to work out at home. It's time consuming, but fun! There are a lot of girls, too, 75 at least! That is 7th and 8th grade though. But the 7th grade girls are like 50 alone (I know because I take attendance). So that's the only sport I have participated in for my whole year of athletics, and I don't even do anything physical. I'm important, though. And coach likes me because she said I am as mature as a 12th grader, and most 7th graders are nothing like me. I take this as a compliment. I feel special.

I'm going to end this with an awesome website: it's hilarious WARNING: inappropriate pictures... I just skip them. And just so you know, Pankow, for the captcha's from commenting on your blogs, I got two good ones! nonflu and ellowimp! I can work with them...


  1. I like ellowimp! But I don't know how you could use that one.

  2. Oh, and for that comment just now, I got 'mulases'. Like a variation of molasses!

  3. Haha, that's good! good luck with that, and I have an idea for ellowimp, I'll post it when I'm done.
