Saturday, April 2, 2011

Some lady bugs are poisonous!

I'm a suckish blogger. I have things to talk about. But I just don't write the blogs in time. So now that I'm bored and sick, I will post a blog, finally.

I hate to say it, but i just stepped on a roach. My whole family has been touched by roaches, because the roaches crawl over their feet and legs and stuff, but I was never touched by a roach until now. It was still alive though. I stepped on it with the side of my foot that makes a tiny arch, so it kind of just slipped out, and I ran away silently. It was a brown one too, and those fly! At least it didn't fly at me. If there is one thing you should know about me, it's that I hate bugs. Small ones, big ones, they creep me out. I can barely stand lady bugs crawling on me. Earlier, in athletics, I was making a flower lei, and aphids were crawling all over me, and it scared the heck out of me. Then a lady bug was on my hand and I had to wipe it off on a blade of grass. Some lady bugs are poisonous!

My school nurse is so scary, and she thinks I'm a liar too. So I can't ever go to the school nurse again. I never even wanted to, but my stomach hurt way too much to avoid going home. The thing is, I think I have parasites. When I told my nurse that, she probably just thought it was some excuse to get out of school. She told me to go lay down, but that didn't work at all. When my dad came, I asked him if it could be the fleas that infect every inch of our house, and they gave me parasites, and he said it's possible, so he explained it (again) to the nurse. So either she thinks I'm no longer a liar, or she thinks me and my dad are crazy. But right now, my stomach wants to implode. I hate this feeling, I've never had it before. I loathe every single bug on the earth. They scare me half to death, in different ways too.

That's all for now folks. Sorry if you got grossed out, but that's my life. You try getting worms stuck in your intestines and eating all your nutrients, making you as weak as a stick. It's not that fun.

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