Friday, August 27, 2010

Ow my Body

A lot happened today so be ready for a long post.

Ow, my body hurts, hence the title of this post. My arms because of the five shots I got today, my legs and arms from volley ball tryouts (I didn't make the team... oh well) and I ache. But I don't mind. I'd hate to be a doctor because they have to look at your genitals and gross parts... I would just be so awkward. When the doctor was looking in my eye, I started laughing because I'm awkward like that, and I couldn't help it. The shots I took were painful and scary, and now I have a head ache every five seconds, I felt like I was about to faint when she shot me (not with a gun, but a needle). So I think that's all for the doctor's office. I also profiled this one doctor and found out she is a mom her name is Bonnie and she turned 30 years old today, and I didn't say one word to her. I should be on the Behavioral Analysis Unit team on the FBI.

Ok next, I will talk about first period, girl's athletics. Now, if you know me, you know I'm emotional and cry easily at everything, and that I'm not a good runner. So today we were running, and my self esteem got to an absolute zero. So I told the coaches I can't run, and I was about to start crying because I'm like that, and I think the coaches would get mad. So I started jogging (we were supposed to do two laps) and I started crying and hyperventilating and my friend who usually jogs with me got ahead because she thought the coaches would yell at her, and at this time, I was yelling at my self because I couldn't run and I got so mad I just started bawling out tears. While I was jogging, in the middle of the track, and during this period, they take the special need kids out to walk. But they were supposed to be on the outside, and they were on the inside, and so was I, so I ran into one of the special needs kid, and he came up to me, and the person watching him said, "Don't hit, we don't hit people!" And I got even more scared, and started crying harder, and he just gave me a really tight hug, and I was extremely scared because I didn't know what he was doing and I hugged him back anyways. What really scared me was it looked like there was dry blood and tears on his face. And now I feel horrible, I just tarted crying when I typed that part. I feel horrible, because that kid, that poor special needs kid, was trying to make me feel better. He was telling me he knew what it felt like to be sad, to cry, to be hurt. And he was trying to make me feel better. And I really wish I hugged him back harder. I wish it got through to my fried brain that this kid is nice, he is a sweet little boy that didn't want to hurt me. And that was probably, when I look back on this experience, that's what I'll regret.
Well, when I finally finished jogging one lap, I was about to die of not being able to breathe, so I stopped and got really scared and confused, it almost felt like a dream. So I went to go talk to the coaches and they said he was a special need child, one coach thought he might have been abused as a young child, so that I can understand, and I could also understand if he was mentally retarded. And all though he might have been really nice to me, he was not nice to his teacher at all. He pushed her, and shoved her away. And so now i feel bad, just plain awful, for that boy.

And now I feel really sad because of that. Let's get all the upsetting things over with. This upsetting thing isn't as meaningful as the last one. My phone broke, and now I hate it, and I don't get a new phone until October or something. Yea, not as meaningful.

So, next thing on my interesting day... Oh yeah, I got 'LOST' for my mini-course. Now, if you don't go to Westbrook and you aren't in the WAVE program, you think I'm crazy, talking about mini-courses, what ever that it. But it's an extra course WAVE people take instead of a 7th period. It's really fun and I'm happy we have that. So, in 'LOST', it's like the show, and it's like the book 'Hatchet' by Gary Paulsen, I love that book. And since it's out in the portables, and we have our school right behind WAL-MART in that very rural place, we get to go out in the woods! And I'm so happy I got this mini-course because I love this book, and I love nature (just not running in it) and, I'm just really happy. I can't wait 'till we go out and try our survival skills. And we might be able to get our CPR certifications (YES I CAN SAVE LIVES!!!)

So this was probably my best, worst, saddest, most meaningful, exciting, and packed to the fullest of days in my long, long life. I hope you liked my writing of it. Post some later, keep writing, fellow bloggers!

Arg, I can't forget what happened in athletics and I keep crying. Poor, poor boy. Ok now I'm really going. Bye, ta-ta for now, I love Tigger, and Pooh Bear.


  1. That is really depressing, about that special needs kid, and I'm also sorry that you were upset. I hope you feel better! :)

  2. I like the OLD tigger and pooh bear. I like how the shows USED to be. Now, they just suck.

  3. I know! I miss Christopher Robin, what's-her-face is just wierd. I want the book, WInnie Ther Pooh, it's seems interesting, I read the first page when I was six, so I didn't understand anything. I'm not sure if in the title it says "The" or "Ther" but it says "Ther" in the first page. I don't know I'll look it up. Oh, and by the way, I like how you brought up nothing about the post itself, but about my goodbye. I'm not sure why I like it, though...
