Friday, February 4, 2011

"Remember the good old days when WTF meant, 'Where's the frisbee?'"

HOORAY! No school tomorrow! Because it might ice over the roads, and since no one in Houston knows how to drive on ice, they could die! So no driving! Except to the mall and the movies with friends, duh! Haha, I get to go buy stuff!

Okay, ready?

Day 7: Favorite movies

Oh this is a good one!
Spirited Away -- Hayo Miyazaki

My favorite movie of ALL TIME. It's pure heaven watching it. Anime, by one of the best writers on the world! He inspires me to watch his movies. It's just... you have to watch it. Look! It's No-Face in the background! Scary...
I love way to many movies to list them all here...

GUESS WHAT?!?! There is a big chance it could snow today! And tomorrow! And yesterday, it was colder in Houston, Texas than it was in New York, New York. When it's colder in Texas than New York, then you know the world is coming to an end. But i hope we are able to make snow men! That would be the best thing ever.
Psh. Global Warming? It's about to snow in Houston!

OH SORRY! I closed my computer and fell asleep before I finished the blog. I fell asleep at 6 p.m. and woke up at 5 a.m. and missed dinner!

Now I'm watching Office/ 30 Rock and eating my dinner for lunch.
At least I don't have school today.

It snowed! Barely, but it snowed! Tiny little dust sized flakes, for two minutes. We missed school for nothing, but at least we missed it! Now I have time to finish a science board, write an essay, and read a book. And do a paper on that book. And study for a math test and a figurative language test.

Day 8: A place you've traveled to

I have traveled to a lot of places!
Mmm I just had some lime flavored popcorn! Wow, very off-topic.

I've been to Tennessee, Florida, California, Louisiana, Mexico, Dallas, Austin, Galveston... and I think that's all.
Let me find pictures!

Most are from Tennessee:

This picture was taken by my sister with her Holga, at the top of Lover's Leap! It has the view thingy.. thing... but it's pretty, right?

Here's a cool picture from Florida

It's from the Holga too. It's a mess-up, two pictures on top of each other. One is from the pool in the back of the hotel we were staying at, and the other was of the Daytona Beach (which was right behind the hotel). But it looks amazing, right? I'm in love with this photo.

I'm just gonna say I'm done here. So random word time!
I don't need help with anything other than homework.
I like to help people... with... advice.
...not really random enough, right?
Well, in 6th grade, I had an M.C. about stand up comedy, and there was one joke a 7th grader told that EVERYONE except for the teacher broke out laughing at, for literally five minutes.
"Remember the good old days when WTF meant, 'Where's the frisbee?'"

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