Saturday, August 21, 2010

Should I?

I don't know if I should. There are advantages if I do, but also if I don't. And it would be easier if I don't, at least for my family. So that is why I ask you to make my final decision. Please tell me if I should skip volley ball tryouts. But I think I should. I DON'T KNOW.

My brain is messed up. I can't remember any of my piano songs. in the beginning of the year I could remember all of them at once, but now I can't even remember one. So I'm just gonna take regular. It'd be easier. Even if you say I should take volley ball, I will take regular. Ok, well that's good I'm done fighting with myself. Now...

If you are wondering about the check list I had yesterday (which you probably aren't but now you are since I mentioned, unless you don't really like me, then you wouldn't even consider thinking about me or what I do...) anyways, well I finished my math, if that's any good, and I finished the blog, and I listened to that song until I went deaf ( I'm not actually deaf) but I didn't clean my room or practice volleyball. I was too busy worrying about other stuff. If you want to know that 'other stuff', I'm sorry, I forgot it.
Which takes me back to MY BRAIN IS MESSED UP. But I'm serious, it is. Has this ever happened to you? Have you been watching a show, and right when it goes to commercial, you forgot what you were watching? Well I have a solution for you! Just kidding I don't, I just had to finish the infomercial voice in my head. Anyways, that happens to me all the time. I get mad at myself, and the harder I think, the more I forget. I hate it. But I think I know why my brain does this.

I have a weird thing happen to me every once in a while. Out of no where, usually some where loud and crowded, like a concert or dance, but sometimes even in a really quiet place, I start to feel light-headed and lost, and I get really confused and I ask my self questions like, "Where am I?" or "Wat am I doing?" and after that I say in my head, "I need to sit down." And after I sit down, it goes away in a half a minute. So I told one of my smartest friends, Sebastian, that story, and we looked up what it could be. The best we found was Brain Fog, and both of us knew that was a fake thing. So later I remembered that when I was 3, I fell down and nearly busted my head open. So we both agreed it was some small brain damage from that hit. But I'm not all too sure, so if you think you have an answer to this mystery diagnosis ( that's a good show, but it starts to get really boring in the middle) please leave your thoughts in the comments.

And now for a laugh (CAUTION: Cuss words) but it is really hilarious. Haha so turn down the volume and just read it, or put in your head phones because the voice is really funny.


  1. So even if I say you should try out for volleyball, you're not gonna?.

    Well, you may not get my opinion, but, hey, try out. I think if you're even thinking about trying out, a tiny part of you wants to do it. i think you should try out; you don't even have to practice, it you don't want to. Just try out; and if you don't make it, you don't make it. No biggie. Getting turned down happens to the best of us.

  2. Ok, I guess, but I don't have a physicall, and I don't get one till Friday so...

  3. Umm I don't go to the doctor until Friday, and you can't just waltz in with no appoinment so that's not gonna happen. And no cussing. It's a strict policy.

  4. Yea I agree with neena about the policy. but if you can't go to the doctor until friday you should ask the coaches if you can still try out if you don't have a physical.

  5. well seeing as its............wedensday(????).......... and you made through first cut, i assume you have a physical

  6. Haha yes, I turned in my physical already, Rhiannon.
