Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ask Away!

I'm going to try a new thing where all my posts are the last sentence of my blog. Hope this entertains you!

Yay! Daniel D. got a blog! Follow him please, he's my biffle! Hahaha just kidding, what are biffles? they sound like a type of baby hog! Wow, very off topic. But he is one of my best friends!

Check out the right, its a video bar! *GASP* Good videos, INCLUDING BRAND NEW!!!! I LOVE Brand New! And The second one is STARDUST! AHH! And the last one, wait for it, is TITANIC!  WITH A BRAND NEW SONG! Titanic + Brand New = Leonardo DeCaprio + Jesse Lacey = MY LIFE! Haha, I'm hyper right now...


Last weekend was... how would you say scary, awesome, tiring, inspiring, painful, cold, and wet in one word? Well, you can't. That's why I put all of those words!

Let's start with Friday. It was an average day at school. After talking to my boyfriend, I realized I didn't like him anymore... sad isn't it? But not yet did I tell him that... I broke up with him Monday,  and he took it better than I expected, which scares me.

Then I got home and went to piano and failed at every song.

Then I downloaded MuseScore which will help me with my writing down of the music.

Then at 11 I went to the choir lock in, which was held at Put Put Fun House, though it was too cold to go outside and do bumper boats or mini golf. So we stayed in and played laser tag and 3D Motion Theater. And ate Pizza. And sang A Capella. 'Twas very fun.

(excessive use of then)

My dad picked me up at 1 a.m. (I know, only two hours with unlimited attractions!) and I crashed in my bed...

The next day I goofed off when I should've been doing Texas History, and then I went to Sam's Club to develop photos for my sister.

When we got back...
a disturbing part of my weekend I would rather skip...

Well, then we went to Austin, we being my dad, sister (older), and me. I was cramped in the back seat of a pick-up truck. It was suck-ish. We made a stop at my grandma's and she is a snack vendor person, as in she manages vending machines in stores around her and stuff. So she has lots of snacks and drinks and stuff. But the thing is she lives out in the middle of the woods, in the country... so... yea...
But we got a lot of snacks for the road!

But then, after being stuck in the most uncomfortable position for one and a half hours, we got out only to be stuck in a boring meeting about SCAD which is a college in multiple places -- Hong Kong, Atlanta Georgia, Savannah Georgia, and Lacoste France. My sister wants to go to Savannah, because she wants to work in the film and acting business. She's good at it, though, so I don't blame her.
We were stuck in there until 2:30 with no lunch! Devastating, isn't it?

Then we ate at Whole Foods Market and I got an all organic salad here. Google has odd photos... anyways! I have never eaten organic food, so my stomach hurt a lot after this. Stomach is a cool word.i like it.

Ok, now I'm feeling bad because I'm stealing what Pankow does. Don't feel bad though, because you are my blogspot role model! You were the first blog I ever followed! (Happy face!)

Sorry, random outburst of apologetics.
I do not know what that word means, but it was in the spelling correction dictionary thingy so I clicked it.

But that salad was great, it had everything from olives to craisans. Apparently craisans isn't a word...
It's a great place, look up if your city has one, you can buy all organic foods.

Then we went to a record store. They had EVERYTHING! But I didn't look for Brand New. Me and my sister bought a CD... I think of  Morning Benders, ah, the Chu brothers, Chris and John (heart).

What else can I tell you?

I feel like this blog is getting really long.

I think I'm going to start an advice column...

Ok I just did. Ask away!


  1. Haha don't feel bad about that, I'm not the only person that does that.

  2. i like your new post title idea. it creates an air of mystery....... :)
