Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Numbers 0 - 10

Ok, I promised you guys my weird as heck view of the numbers, so here you go!

0 -- baby boy // is curious and just watches everyone

1 -- boy // best friends with 2 and likes 3

2 -- boy // best friends with 1 and likes 4

3 -- girl // best friends with 4 and likes 2

4 -- girl // best friends with 3 and likes 1

5 -- preteen boy // likes 6and has a slight crush on 7

6 -- preteen girl // likes 5 and has a slight crush on 8 and 12 (not in this)

7 -- teen girl // likes 8, but finds 12 a creeper

8 -- teen boy // likes 7 but is also scared because 7 ate 9

9 -- adult woman // is half eaten and dating 12, watches all of the younger kids

10 -- elderly woman // is so old that she knows all the numbers!

Was this entertaining?

ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? Haha, good movie. I forgot the name of it.

Anyways, was this just plain out weird or did you like it?

And now I sign off, wishing you all a Merry Christmas! Wow, how off topic... but Merry Christmas! But I will probably post before Christmas. But bye for now.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Interpretation of the Alphabet

I am getting bored this Christmas break, so I will tell you how I think of the alphabet letters. Don't you dare call me crazy after reading this. Thank you.

A, B, and C -- They are the kids, and the best friends, and a trio that always go on Adventures to get Cookies Balloons. A and B are boys, and C is a girl.

D -- A loner, he watches over the kids sometimes, but hes just a lonely middle-aged letter. D is a man.

E and F -- The twins that do everything together. They are teenagers and they are guys. They are guys.

G, H, and I -- G and H are best friends, and H is dating I, but G has a secret crush on I. G and H are guys, I is a girl. They are all in high school.

J and K -- They are the jokesters, the ones that are overly sarcastic and throw pranks everywhere. Both are early 20's guys.

L, M, N -- M and N are twin boys too, and they are around 5 or 6, and their single widow mother, L, is a depressed 30 year old woman.

O, P, Q -- P and O are dating, but O is having an affair with Q (uh oh!) and P has noooo idea! AND P and Q are best friends! P and Q are girls, while O is a guy.

R, S, and T -- They are the three stooges, and they are hilarious but always get in trouble. All are guys.

U, V, W, and X -- U and V are brothers and close friends, and V is jealous of W, even though W is a girl. V just happens to be homosexual. U doesn't know this though. U and V are boys, while W is a girl. I'm not sure where X comes into this part of the alphabet, but he seems to fit in this group...

X, Y, and Z -- ...and this one. X and Y love each other, except Z is Y's strict dad and he won't let her date anyone. He want's her to grow up to be the girl version of D. But X and Y still date behind Z's back. X and Z are boys and Y is a girl.

So there is my crazy interpretation of the letters of the alphabet. Later I will post numbers 0-10. Hope this was an interesting post! Bye...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I am Considered a Hipster

If you know me, then you know that you don't know any of my music/ T.V./ Movies. Did that make sense? I believe not. Well, the definition of hipster is...

Urban Dictionary:

Aged indie kids, Hipsters still maintain the air of snobbery, still shop atsalvation army, and still have a completely astonishing array of knowledge when it comes to obscure musicpop-culture non-sequiturs, and political sneers. Absolutely a blast to be friends with, hell to be enemies of, hipsters are the most bi-polar of all thestereotypes when it comes to how they treat you. Can be recognized by books like "The Clockwork Orange", "Everything is Illuminated", orobscure philosophy books, by authors akin to Dostoevsky.
"Dude, remember sarah?"
"yeah, that little indie kid, why?"
"i saw her in a coffee shop they other day, reading The Brothers. She now goes by Anthurium..."
"Oh, our little indie kid has transformed into a hipster butterfly!"

Is this not true (if you know me)?
My short definition is someone who listens to music other people don't listen to and watch movies other people wouldn't watch and wear clothes other people wouldn't wear. Clothes don't count because we have a dress code at our school.
 But music and movies? Number one thing saying I'm a hipster. Favorite channel is IFC (Independent Film Channel). They show WKUK (Whitest Kids You Know), Freaks and Geeks (Linda Cardellini!), Undeclared (Jason Segal, Seth Rogan!), and a million great movies! Look the people up, they are gorgeous...

Something I have been addicted to for my whole life (since I was 5) has just jumped into my life after a short season break -- DOCTOR WHO!!! If you have not watched this, I must take you out of my life... just kidding. But seriously, watch one episode and you will fall in love with Matt Smith/ David Tennant/ Billie Piper/ Karen Gillian/ Arthur Darville. I love all of them. Even the girls.

Love that show...

Well, anyways... What is your worst subject? Mine is Social Studies. I thought it was science, but then I 
got a 92 on the final, so i was good, but then I got a 72 on Social Studies, which means it will lower my 
grade to an 89 or 88. At least it will raise my science grade to a 90 or 91. And I have to write a song by
tomorrow. Wow, this has been a tough week. And tomorrow I have two assignments due, even though 
it's a half day, and the last day before our break. Grr and one assignment is Social Studies.

How's a good way to end this? I'm not sure... how about a spoof of Your Beautiful? Okay, let's do that!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


-- To people who live near me...
Ok, as all of you guys in CCISD know, on Thanksgiving weekend, we can go to Kemah Boardwalk for the CCISD thing, where you donate something to the libraries or something... I don't know. But here is the link to the flyer:
Comment if you are coming!

-- To other people...
How's life going? I'm pretty bored on weekends. But they are good for relaxing, and going to Panera Bread! So, Thanksgiving is coming up, and I am going to Tennessee! I will go to Lover's Leap and Mountain Ranges, and it will rock! I will take lots of pictures. I live in Texas, and I think the weather now is freezing cold, but just wait until I get to Tennessee, I will freeze my bottom off. Awesome.

Indian movies are so corny. My mom is from India, so I'm half Indian. She watches Indian T.V. all day, and everything is so corny and cheesy, and what ever other food you can think of that starts with c and ends with y. They all are musicals, and have millions of dance numbers, and they have corny jokes, too. Jokes that not even a four-year-old American child would find funny. And of course, my mom finds them hilarious. It's pretty funny though, to watch her laugh at them. This came into my mind because my mom is watching an Indian movie in the Living Room. The only 'okay' Indian movies are Ghajini (If you have ever seen Memento, the Indian version of that. Memento is an amazing movie, a Psychological Thriller -- my favorite genre other than chick flick) and with Memento, I absolutely adore the cover:

If you look close enough, inside the Polaroid is another Polaroid with a girl in it, and in that is another with the guy in the first one, and in that, it has the girl in the Polaroid. Do you not love it? Are you not entertained? Hahaha, movie stuff is racing through my mind.

Which reminds me, have any of you guys seen Office Space? I just watched it last night, and I love it! My favorite character is Milton.

I love Milton. He is the best. "But, but I was told, I could, I could stay..." "Yeah... Milton, If you could do that, that'd be great..."

If you have any psychological thrillers that i don't know about (ones that I know are Stay and Memento, and I guess Donnie Darko (they all have hot guys)) please do comment.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jolly Ranchers!!!

Can I just trick-or-treat for the rest of my life? That would be hilarious, a fifty year old asking complete strangers for candy while wearing a big white dress and pipe wire stuck to her head. I would love for someone to come to my house like that.

This Halloween I was a homeless person, and Ella was my hobo pimp. Hehe. Hobo pimp. But it was fun, and I really don't care, I'm going to trick-or-treat until I'm 15, probably. Then I will just buy candy and eat it, and maybe share some with the creepy little kids in Scream masks. Nah, I won't give those ones candy. I hate masks. And surprises. That's why I screamed at the person that was obviously going to jump out at us. They even called us to come over there. It was scary. Don't ever throw me a surprise party, I will scream and then have a heart attack.

My costume was pretty cool, but I don't have any pictures on this computer, so I will show you when I get them from Ranya's phone. I have half a Wal-Mart bag full of candy, so it is a pretty good deal. As you can read, I am eating/ sucking on a jolly rancher right now. 'Tis strawberry, yum.

Well I have to go use spark notes on The Time Machine by H.G. Wells (the book in which i sadly lost...) to finish my report thingy doo-hickey until one in the morning, so bye!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ello, Loves!

So, there was a dance last night, and I went with my friends. It was a Masquerade Ball, but half the people didn't have a mask on and were dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, including me. Everyone (only girls really) who went with someone dressed up nice, though. Guys don't care about it, though. At the dance, I saw all the happy couples, and Cole and Sierra were so cute when they were dancing, I told them I wanted to marry them, so they are now on my list of husbands! (-------->)

I just had a Happy Meal from McDonalds and then there was a code, so i got onto and i made an account and now I'm just playing all their really easy games, and I'm eating ice cream and listening to Maggie and the Ferocious Beast (In Nowhereland!) that actually sounds like a real place... Anyways, I feel likes such a kid again! Getting away from the "Degrassi Style Life" (as my older sister would say it, actually she says it's worse) of my middle school. Yeah, I'm involved in a big rut that I shouldn't be in actually. If you are into my/ other people's love life problems, read until the end of this paragraph. If not, just skip it. But I gotta tell ya, it's pretty interesting.
Well there is this guy and this girl, let's call them D and R, and they were dating from the middle of 6th grade until the beginning of 7th grade. R dumped D because he didn't show her that he loved her. His was heart broken, and he still loved her a lot. So then, the dance (Friday night) came up, and R didn't know who to take. There was this other guy, M, who really loved R, so she took him to give him a chance, then she started liking him kind of, but she started liking D again. D, before this time, was stuck in between two girls, the one he loved a lot (R) and a new one that he kind of liked, A. A is in love with D, but D has decided to love R and only R. But, since R was going with M, D decided to go with A. A was so happy, she told everyone in the whole school! Same with M! And after the dance, A and M were so very happy that they got to go with their loves. I (Neena) had to convince D to give A the time of her life, since she would be heart broken about him loving only R. R is still not sure who she likes, after the gmail chat I just had with her, she thinks she likes M, but I was too scared to ask her about D. I wouldn't know what to do. So A loves D, but D loves R, but so does M, but R loves M and D, but E (another person) loves M!!! Do you see what I have to put up with? Being a love guru is a tough job! All though one of these people are in the WIS Love Guru group, they still need advice. Now that we are through with that... Did any of you understand that? If so, I will give you 100 pennies worth of gum! Maybe... but ya never know....

What else can I tell you? Oh, well I got the Glee mini-course! And... yes. I am playing many extras in the school musical, Annie, showing November 12th, don't miss it! I can't, I have to be in it... I have a four word line in a song!

Well, now I'm just going to give you a list of pretty songs you should listen to.
-- Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World cover -- Black Sheep (Metric)
-- cover by Local Natives -- Cecilia (Simon and Garfunkel)

I think that's it. Bleh I'm sick and can't sing. Now I'm sad. Oh well, I listen to this awesome music. Bye. *Sigh* Boring post.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

You Like It?

How do you guys like the new design? I like it a lot. If you don't give me some suggestions on what to do for it! Ok, so I discussed what we would do with the stories today with Ella, and she is going to send me all her stories she wrote in email, and I will post them! You guys are in for a surprise...

Catching Up

My title reminds me of the knock-knock-joke with the tomato catching up? You remember it? If not, I'll tell you later. So, it is time to ketchup I mean catch up.

Let's start with where my older sister is right now... She is at AUSTIN CITY LIMITS!!!!!!!!! And she left me here?!?!?! Yes, Kaycie took Jessica to Austin for ACL, and I'm stuck at home, missing the episode of Glee, "Grilled Cheezus", Because my DVR deleted it. Ah well, that's what the internet is for. But at ACL, a big concert type thing that lasts a whole weekend, it's like Summer fest, if you know what that is, or Warp tour! Sorry, I just know these from my sister, heh. So, anyways, they are playing practically all of our favorite bands, like Local Natives, Vampire Weekend, Edward Sharp in the Magnetic Zeroes, The National, Norah Jones, The Morning Benders, Manchester Orchestra, Band of Horses, Spoon, Matt and Kim!!! I love all of those bands!!! I want to marry them!

That brings us to our next subject, me marrying a lot of inanimate objects. If you can't chat with me on Gmail, here is my status: My many husbands: The Martian Chronicles; Ray Bradbury; over 1000 songs; over 100 actors/ actresses (don’t judge me); over 20 pianos; fictional characters from multiple kids shows; Ella Robertson; my L.A. Sci-Fi story; DAVID TENNANT; EWAN MCGREGOR + HIS VOICE; Herbert! (Josh's son); Reed's old bass; Mr. D (Ella said i was to his fiancé, but he was cheating on me with her...? and was married to Taylor, and Nicole m. was his ex)

Ok, out of this status, you will only understand The Martian Chronicles (a book we read for ELA that I absolutely adore), Ray Bradbury (the author of that book, and much, much more), the songs, actors/actresses, and pianos. The rest are inside jokes, like Reed's bass, Ella Robertson, Josh's son Herbert, and Mr. D (he is the orchestra teacher, and I had a mini-course with him, he scares me). These are really hard to explain, so I will just skip it. I wonder if Ella still has the story on her computer... If so Ella, email it to me, I'll post it! GAPS! That would be great to post all of Ella's stories! Ella, send me all your stories, and if there are unfinished ones, like I think I still have Blood on the Wall? or was it Ceiling? *Please excuse gruesome story titles* But seriously Ella, on Sunday, I need to come over so we can finish them so I can post all of them!!!

Sorry, just a random paragraph for Ella. Now, I will talk about Homecoming! The theme this year was filiming, and cameras and pictures. Well, great news, LAKE WON!!! But who could've enjoyed the Homecoming Dance without me decorating for it? Yes, I know, I'm in seventh grade, how did I get into the Homecoming? Well, I know a girl, named Jessica, who just happened to be on the decorating committee in StuCo (student council) for the Homecoming. And since she is at ACL, I was her replacement. I just stuck with my dad because everyone else was was in high school. The first day of decorating was just after a big volley ball game, and I'm sure Kelsey (one of my best friends) was there, but I missed her, but I caught Adrienne and David Courteau there! But they left right when I started to work. I worked until 12:30 A.M. and at 12:00 A.M. the alarm in the building started beeping and read: 
and below it was counting down from 60, and beeping, and everyone panicked and was very confused. We were half going towards the door and half standing still to think. We thought it would call the cops, but nothing happened. We continued on for a couple minutes, and my dad stayed until everyone was out of the building. Then we went home, slept for six hours, and came straight back to the place and resumed our decorating. We finished from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. and my dad and I headed out for Arby's.  It was a nice day. He went back alone to the Homecoming place to finish up then stand there to welcome the couples coming in. He's still there, and so is Rehan (which is Ranya's, another best friend, older brother) who went with Freda (Emily's, another best friend, older sister) So with Rehan and Freda together, Emily and Ranya are married, and I am left the odd one out. I can be a best friend to Paulina, because our older sisters are best friends. So many people have older brothers or sisters in 12th grade. It's pretty cool.

So, next subject... well, um, if you need help for any problem at all, email me at and invite me to chat! Me and my two other friends are great at giving any type of advice. If you would prefer me (Neena) and another person is on, then just ask them to tell me you want me. I'm probably going to be the one online most of the time, so don't worry.

Another subject. Me and my friends are going to make a movie for the book Hatchet, and we need a Brian. I was thinking of making a guy do it, because all the girls got together to plan this, so I'll try to find some guys. Right now, we think it will be Cole, because he small and scrawny and fits the part. Katie M. is going to be the mommy and she cheats on her husband, Xavier, with Austin U. And I called being the wolf. Kelsey is the bear, because she loves them. OK I think I'm caught up with everything I want to share with the world. Awesome.

Well, I love you guys. Take care, and share the lovely air. I'm sorry it had to rhyme. This time, I'm going to end it with an extremely awesome game that everyone will love! Yea!

Soon, after you use the cheats, you will even.

Adieu, mes amours. 
Jusqu'à ce que nous retrouverons à partir des mots sur ces pages. 
Ecrire à vous plus tard, les amis!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Well, 'The Blog of Pankow' listed questions that I find interesting. So I shall answer them.

1) What is one thing you hate about yourself? Phisically, OR other.

Uhm... hate? My sensitivity. I really dislike it. I cry at everything. I rate movies  by 'ones I didn't cry at' instead of 'ones I did cry at'. And, also, my bipolarness. Yes, I made that word. But yeah, I am very bipolar. I change personalities in a snap. *some one snaps* ugh, I bet no one even reads this. Why do I even do this? It's a time waster.

2) What is your favorite animal? Why? Is it a cow? Mine is.

Oooh, favorite animal... Tis an Orca Whale. Sorry, Pankow, it's not a cow. But cows are pretty beast. I mean, you gotta say.

3) Copying one of Wheezy's questions to Charlieissocoollike, What is that smell?

I am confusion? See, I am so lost, I made a horribly done question.. statement... thing. But, that smell, is  Parmesan Chicken. For dinner. That I really want right now.

4) What's the weirdest thing you've done in public?

Hehe, I got this one. Tickled Peter Bowling's tummy. We were by my locker for lunch, me, Peter, and Ranya, and I just randomly tickled his belly. I'm not sure why, but I guess it's because I do it to my brothers and sisters, and I count Peter as a brother, so... I don't know, I was weird that day.

5) What is a question you REALLY wish you knew the answer to?

Hmm... Why does Cartoon Network have the creepiest shows known to man, creepier than Monsters inside of me?

6) What would you do if twelve men came in your house uninvited and sat on your couch, staring at the wall and not saying a word?

I would say, " Are you ok? You want some refreshments? Is there something in the wall? Are you dead? Why aren't you answering any of my questions? Am I talking to fast? Aaarrreee yoouuu oook? Do you speak a different language? ÃŠtes-vous d'accord? Can't speak French? Get out of my house."

"What da hek ya'll doin in mah home?!?! Ima call da popo on yo butts, if ya'll don leev dis hause!"
For your information, I don't speak like that.

Ok, now for a good bye song.

So long, Fare well, Auf Wiedersehen to you! (dododododo,dodododo)
I now, have to, do homework! So stop reading!
Seriously, why haven't you stopped?

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Today was a good 9/11. Nothing bad really happened. I found out a couple things, though. I found out a famous actor, Mathew Gray Gubler, was just within a mile of the incident when it happened 9 years ago. I also found out that my grandfather passed on the 12 right after 9/11, 9 years ago. Tomorrow will be the anniversary of his death 9 years ago. Yes it is sad, but some of my friends have sadder stories. But I don't want to be in a sad mood today. So let's start off with happy things, or casual 7th grade things, you know.

Well, on Thursday, in science, my phone fell out of my pocket. I was in front of the teacher, just to make it worse. And even more worse, I don't turn it off, because if I do, it breaks, so I keep it on silent. Luckily, She didn't see, and I slipped it into my pocket. But the rest of the day, I was worried it would fall out.

Right now, me and my friend are having a contest of who knows the hottest celebrities. Right now, I think I'm winning, but she thinks she is, so it might be a tie. Okay, you probably don't want to know about what two teenage girls talk about in their Gmail chats. And I bet I'm right. So I won't tell you. Unless you really want to know. And if you do, I will edit it into this. I guess... Oh well.

Have you noticed all Irish men that are famous singers have an amazingly beautiful voice? Well, it's true. Just wanted to keep you up in Irish singing news.

What else can I talk about...

Hmm, I am in the mood for a contest. So, whoever comments with... oh, a good contest idea, I will use it in the next post as a contest! Yea!

I'm very happy, because of no Athletics for two days. But I have to go running tomorrow. It's no fair, I can't run. I was not born with the ability to run, and I am dead serious. I run worse then my friend with asthma. ASTHMA! I don't know why I came out with such a birth defect. It sure doesn't help when Coach Clayton is lecturing to you, we are the athletic girls, we try our hardest, we push to the fullest, we are better then the rest of them, well maybe not the last part, she's not mean. She's really nice, she's being strict to train us, which I get, I don't blame her. I am just not trainable for running! Anyone with me? Huh?

Hm, what else is going on in my life that I can share with you, all though you probably don't want to know. And if you don't want to know, why are you reading this in the first place? Gosh, get a life.

OH! I'm trying out for the school musical. But I really hope I don't get it. My friend tricked me into trying out for one of the main characters, and I have major stage fright. But I think I'm going to get the part, because the choir teacher likes me. Now, I know what you're thinking (which you probably aren't). If she likes me, why is she giving me a part I don't want? I don't know.
You might want to know what the play is. Well, we chose Annie. Actually, 'we' didn't choose it, I wanted Suessicall, and so did half the choir, but Mrs. Barksedale chose Annie. So I watched the play today to see who I tried out for. Because I tried out for her not knowing anything about her. Apparently she is an evil Orphan mother who has a very cute brother that looks like Robert Downy Jr. kind of... named Miss Hannigan. Arg, Avery, you trick me into trying out knowing I would have to be in the play because no one wants to be the evil one!!!

Okay I think I am about done here. Let's end with something funny.
Hehe funny.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Those Darn Apple Snails

Yesterday (which is not yesterday any more because I have not finished this blog in a while...) was cool. I brought out my murder skills and my stalker with in me. Let's start with the stalker part.

Well, if you are wondering what kids do now-a-days when they like someone, it's stalk them. Well, that's what all my friends do, at least. And today's story is about a love stalking story. It starts out with one of my friends liking this guy, and stalking him, but this happened in 6th grade, and now it's 7th grade, and she doesn't like him any more (for all we know) so we are trying to trick him into thinking that she was payed to stalk him for a gay guy who had a crush on him. Do you understand? Well, let me explain. I made a gay guy account on Gmail, called Jason Jones. Apparently, from our stories we told people at our school, he lives in a mansion, he is home-schooled, but he goes to a public school, he met my friend on Gmail AND Band Camp, he has two mommys and two daddys, his daddys live in Florida, and he lives with his mommys in Texas, no one knows how he knows Adam Sasick (the kid we are trying to trick) and he knows way too much about Westbrook and the people in that school to be home schooled. So the night before last, I was chatting with Adam's best friend, Justin, as Jason, then he invited this kid that goes to Creek, and so I was flirting with him as Jason, it was pretty funny, but I figured out he is only 3 and a half feet tall! Isn't that adorable!?!? That's the size of my overly-tall 3 year old brother. Sorry I thought that was really cool, I love shorties, I think they are cool.

Well, I just figured out he's actually five feet tall. Bummer. Oh well.

In choir, we have to memorize songs for regionals, so the first song is "Je Le Vous Dirai", which is French for "I will tell you now" it's a French song in all French about a break-up, I believe. Or some girl just really hates this un-handsome guy. I don't know. And for the school play, I really want to do Seussical, even though I've never seen that play ever before, but I'm voting for that one because I'm in love with Dr. Suess. You guys want to know my favorite French song? I know you do. So it's "A la claire fontaine" and now I have an idea for a contest! Whoever answers what "a la claire fontaine" means in English, you win the contest! And your prize is... the joy of winning.
Rules: No looking up on any translators, you must have a friend/sibling in French, or just guess. it's pretty obvious if you look at it. And pronounce it.

NOW FOR THE MURDER PART! The best part of the post!

Well... My friends and I were hanging out under the big bridge, ya know, the street bridge, where all the druggies and drunk teens go, but luckily no one was there so we didn't run into those crazy people, all though we did find where they hid their drugs, but we were too scared to touch them, gross. Any ways, We were walking in the dirty water with a lot of litter, naughty littering drunks, and we found apple snails. Apple snails, if you didn't know, are the snail murderers. They originated in China, where there are a lot of animals that could kill them so the apple snails don't eat everything, but somehow they got to America, where there aren't enough animals to kill them, so the apple snails eat all the water animals, fish, tadpoles, frogs, everything. In one of my friends classes, she learned that, and they went down to the bayou, and found apple snails, and put them in plastic bags to suffocate them, But instead, we smashed them with rocks. Its quicker and easier for them, all though it might hurt a lot, it doesn't hurt for a long time, because they usually die immediately. Wasn't that a nice story?

I guess that's it, so, uh, yes, nice telling you my story, come back later for another if I have a good one.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ow my Body

A lot happened today so be ready for a long post.

Ow, my body hurts, hence the title of this post. My arms because of the five shots I got today, my legs and arms from volley ball tryouts (I didn't make the team... oh well) and I ache. But I don't mind. I'd hate to be a doctor because they have to look at your genitals and gross parts... I would just be so awkward. When the doctor was looking in my eye, I started laughing because I'm awkward like that, and I couldn't help it. The shots I took were painful and scary, and now I have a head ache every five seconds, I felt like I was about to faint when she shot me (not with a gun, but a needle). So I think that's all for the doctor's office. I also profiled this one doctor and found out she is a mom her name is Bonnie and she turned 30 years old today, and I didn't say one word to her. I should be on the Behavioral Analysis Unit team on the FBI.

Ok next, I will talk about first period, girl's athletics. Now, if you know me, you know I'm emotional and cry easily at everything, and that I'm not a good runner. So today we were running, and my self esteem got to an absolute zero. So I told the coaches I can't run, and I was about to start crying because I'm like that, and I think the coaches would get mad. So I started jogging (we were supposed to do two laps) and I started crying and hyperventilating and my friend who usually jogs with me got ahead because she thought the coaches would yell at her, and at this time, I was yelling at my self because I couldn't run and I got so mad I just started bawling out tears. While I was jogging, in the middle of the track, and during this period, they take the special need kids out to walk. But they were supposed to be on the outside, and they were on the inside, and so was I, so I ran into one of the special needs kid, and he came up to me, and the person watching him said, "Don't hit, we don't hit people!" And I got even more scared, and started crying harder, and he just gave me a really tight hug, and I was extremely scared because I didn't know what he was doing and I hugged him back anyways. What really scared me was it looked like there was dry blood and tears on his face. And now I feel horrible, I just tarted crying when I typed that part. I feel horrible, because that kid, that poor special needs kid, was trying to make me feel better. He was telling me he knew what it felt like to be sad, to cry, to be hurt. And he was trying to make me feel better. And I really wish I hugged him back harder. I wish it got through to my fried brain that this kid is nice, he is a sweet little boy that didn't want to hurt me. And that was probably, when I look back on this experience, that's what I'll regret.
Well, when I finally finished jogging one lap, I was about to die of not being able to breathe, so I stopped and got really scared and confused, it almost felt like a dream. So I went to go talk to the coaches and they said he was a special need child, one coach thought he might have been abused as a young child, so that I can understand, and I could also understand if he was mentally retarded. And all though he might have been really nice to me, he was not nice to his teacher at all. He pushed her, and shoved her away. And so now i feel bad, just plain awful, for that boy.

And now I feel really sad because of that. Let's get all the upsetting things over with. This upsetting thing isn't as meaningful as the last one. My phone broke, and now I hate it, and I don't get a new phone until October or something. Yea, not as meaningful.

So, next thing on my interesting day... Oh yeah, I got 'LOST' for my mini-course. Now, if you don't go to Westbrook and you aren't in the WAVE program, you think I'm crazy, talking about mini-courses, what ever that it. But it's an extra course WAVE people take instead of a 7th period. It's really fun and I'm happy we have that. So, in 'LOST', it's like the show, and it's like the book 'Hatchet' by Gary Paulsen, I love that book. And since it's out in the portables, and we have our school right behind WAL-MART in that very rural place, we get to go out in the woods! And I'm so happy I got this mini-course because I love this book, and I love nature (just not running in it) and, I'm just really happy. I can't wait 'till we go out and try our survival skills. And we might be able to get our CPR certifications (YES I CAN SAVE LIVES!!!)

So this was probably my best, worst, saddest, most meaningful, exciting, and packed to the fullest of days in my long, long life. I hope you liked my writing of it. Post some later, keep writing, fellow bloggers!

Arg, I can't forget what happened in athletics and I keep crying. Poor, poor boy. Ok now I'm really going. Bye, ta-ta for now, I love Tigger, and Pooh Bear.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lunch is pretty good...

Remember when I said I hated lunch? Well now I don't, or at least, I don't think I do... Well every day at lunch, I play cards with the two nerds (which aren't really nerds... except Smit. He's a major nerd) and the other one is Ronak (don't know how to spell it) Patel (the traditional Indian last name) anyways, I play cards with them, I forgot the name, but it's pretty fun and I like it, but I'm bad at it, and never win, and they tease me about it. Oh well. I guess in Math, instead of two girls teasing the only boy (which is really fun, by the way, and they like it when we do that, haha) it's the two boys teasing the girl. Girl's don't like it, just saying. So I do get annoyed, but I live with it. And I can do homework at lunch too, for social studies, which is good because that's probably my worst subject.

I made the first cut for volley ball! I hope I make all of them. I really want to get healthy this year.

Ok, I'm bored, so if you go to my school let's have a Cutest Teacher Award for WAVE! Ok, and the nominees are... (unwraps envolope) Mrs. Cain, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Vinson, and Mrs. Wilk. If you have any other nominees, leave it in the comments below.

And if you are not in my school, sorry but no polls are open at this time. Maybe next time.

And now to wrap the day off with some funny stuff.
Do any of you watch nigahiga? I find him pretty funny, but stupid funny, it's good to watch if you need to be cheered up. But I like this one it's really funny.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm So Excited!!! And I Just Can't Hide It!!!

And since I can't hide it, I will tell you why I am overly happy.

...I HAVE A PHYSICAL!!! I know, that doesn't seem that exciting, but it all pulls my life together. With a physical, I can try out for volley ball (which on the physical I am cleared  for), and if I can tryout for volleyball (which is tomorrow morning at 6:45, and I have to get up at 4 a.m. don't ask why so early, it's a long story, but you can ask if you care) where was I... oh yeah, and if I can try out for volleyball, I can make the A team, which means I am AMAZING AT A SPORT I MASTERED IN TWO DAYS!!! That's right, count it, two days, no camps, no clubs, just two days of training with my best friend. And I also get fit. That's a plus.

Now that I got over that excitement, I can tell you 'bout my first day! I have some awesome teachers, the language teacher (Plato) wants a pianist (WHICH I AM ONE) to play her music and she chose ME! Wow I really need to calm down. Well I guess I'll tell you the downer of my day. That will calm me down.

So, as some of you know, I am in 8th grade math, in 7th grade, no I'm not smart enough to go to Algebra, sorry. And in my 8th grade class there are mostly 8th graders, except for this one nerdy Indian guy, Smit (his various nick names include: Summit, Spit, Smitty, etc.) who sits behind me in the class, but I never talk to him, he was in my last math class, and his friend that I don't know. Leaving me, the only 7th grade girl, alone at lunch, which is 3rd lunch, when all my other friends are in 2nd. So pretty much my longest period and lunch (the two you talk to your friends most) are spent around a lot of annoying 8th graders that yell across the room at everything, with a very nice and cool teacher, but doesn't care about the noise. And a very quiet lunch. I hate it. I might as well go somewhere else during lunch. Oh well, I can have a lot of 8th grade volleyball friends and stuff I guess.

So, how did you guys like that break up letter in my last post? T'was pretty funny. And here is another funny thing, I think you will like it.
Oh, how I love this video.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Should I?

I don't know if I should. There are advantages if I do, but also if I don't. And it would be easier if I don't, at least for my family. So that is why I ask you to make my final decision. Please tell me if I should skip volley ball tryouts. But I think I should. I DON'T KNOW.

My brain is messed up. I can't remember any of my piano songs. in the beginning of the year I could remember all of them at once, but now I can't even remember one. So I'm just gonna take regular. It'd be easier. Even if you say I should take volley ball, I will take regular. Ok, well that's good I'm done fighting with myself. Now...

If you are wondering about the check list I had yesterday (which you probably aren't but now you are since I mentioned, unless you don't really like me, then you wouldn't even consider thinking about me or what I do...) anyways, well I finished my math, if that's any good, and I finished the blog, and I listened to that song until I went deaf ( I'm not actually deaf) but I didn't clean my room or practice volleyball. I was too busy worrying about other stuff. If you want to know that 'other stuff', I'm sorry, I forgot it.
Which takes me back to MY BRAIN IS MESSED UP. But I'm serious, it is. Has this ever happened to you? Have you been watching a show, and right when it goes to commercial, you forgot what you were watching? Well I have a solution for you! Just kidding I don't, I just had to finish the infomercial voice in my head. Anyways, that happens to me all the time. I get mad at myself, and the harder I think, the more I forget. I hate it. But I think I know why my brain does this.

I have a weird thing happen to me every once in a while. Out of no where, usually some where loud and crowded, like a concert or dance, but sometimes even in a really quiet place, I start to feel light-headed and lost, and I get really confused and I ask my self questions like, "Where am I?" or "Wat am I doing?" and after that I say in my head, "I need to sit down." And after I sit down, it goes away in a half a minute. So I told one of my smartest friends, Sebastian, that story, and we looked up what it could be. The best we found was Brain Fog, and both of us knew that was a fake thing. So later I remembered that when I was 3, I fell down and nearly busted my head open. So we both agreed it was some small brain damage from that hit. But I'm not all too sure, so if you think you have an answer to this mystery diagnosis ( that's a good show, but it starts to get really boring in the middle) please leave your thoughts in the comments.

And now for a laugh (CAUTION: Cuss words) but it is really hilarious. Haha so turn down the volume and just read it, or put in your head phones because the voice is really funny.

Friday, August 20, 2010

What do you think?

Do you guys think I should change any part of my blog? Like make it more legible by changing the font? I don't know. So what i have to accomplish today:

1. Finish math summer packet

2. Clean up all my clothes

3. Finish this blog

4. Listen to this song for the rest of the day:

5. Somehow practice for volleyball tryouts
 Oh yes! I have volley ball tryouts on the second day of school. I probably can't, I don't have a physical and i don't get shots until next Friday. So I'll just go to regular gym. I'm fine with that. Comment if your disagree. Or agree. I don't know comment if you want to. Ok I think I'm about done, i'll go do everything on my checklist, except for 5. Well I'm not sure. No i won't do 5 today. Ok. now that that's settled. I. Will. Go. Do. Math.

Love That Photo

Well, hi, I am new to blogging! How exciting. I chose this blog name because, well the others were too long. And because, you know that saying, "Life is short"? Well, it isn't. Life is the longest thing you've got. And the reason I'm making a Blog is because everyone has a blog and I'm jealous, and I kinda want to see how it is, telling complete strangers my whole life. And the title of my post? Well, I chose it because i really like this photo in the back, it is cute and has pretty colors, and there is a website,, and it has the best pictures for back grounds or your computer's wall paper. So please check that out. So... I'm about to start 7th grade! Woohoo! I think that is another reason I'm making this. So, if you know me follow me please, and if you don't know me, make sure you are not a British version of Peter File (say it in a British accent, and it comes out to be...? That's right. Pedafile) then you can follow me. Hehe I feel accomplished. My first blog (checks off bucket list). Yes, I have a bucket list in 7th grade. Ok well, nice blogging to you. Blog you later!